As a parting gift, our Latin instructor gave us a nice sheet of Latin insults. Among the funnier ones are:
- Attractis pedibus patente porta percurrent raphanique mugilesque: "with ankles strapped and the [rear]-gate opened, you'll be run through by mullets and radishes"
- Tamquam alta in dolia longus deciderit serpens, bibit et vomit: "she drinks and vomits like a sinewy snake that has fallen into a deep vat of wine"
- Puella defututa: "a completely worn out mymphomaniac girl"
- Lesbia se iurat gratis numquam esse fututam, verum est. Cum futui vult, numerare solet: "Lesbia swears she only 'does it' for money, and it's true. When she wants it, she usually pays cash."
- Tibi fertur valle sub alarum trux habitare caper: "It is said that a rank goat inhabits your armpits"