The basic principle of Innovative Matching has been around for centuries, yet until now has always been overshadowed by its conventional counterpart. Each new fashion trend started as someone breaking the mold and being openly different, to the point where the masses took hold and adopted the new idea to the laws of matching. Yet just as these trends form, so do they die, once again rewritten in the Book of Bad Matching.
The principle behind Innovative Matching lies in the concept of themes. Followers of Innovative Matching emphasize the strong themes of their ensemble and wear them with pride. A beginner in this belief may find it difficult at first, but with patience comes success. A general rule to live by is, "If you can't find a theme in your ensemble, you obviously aren't looking hard enough."
That being said, let's look at some examples for forming your themes.
Excessive Anything
A fashion minded person might follow the hard and fast rule of the Greeks: "Everything in moderation." When creating a theme for an excessive ensemble, however, we take the faults and make them strengths. Too many patterns? "Pattern Themed." Too many colors? "Rainbow Themed." Too baggy? "Celebration of Weight Loss." Too tight? "Celebration of Overcoming Anorexia."
Lack of Anything
One might comment on a seemingly boring ensemble. A few well chosen words can explain your theme. Monochromatic? "Experiments in Blue (Red, Khaki, Chartreuse, etc...)." No belt?

The Big No-Nos
These are the big faux pas for which every fashion policeman or woman will lock you in the stocks. What once used to be hopeless can now be explained. Brown belt and black shoes? "Leather Themed." Unbuttoned shirt? "Theme of Ventilation." An exposed slip or bra strap? "Layers." Headgear? "Orthodontic Awareness." Socks and sandals or skirts and Uggs? "Celebration of the Seasons."
Keep in mind that "Matching" is half of "Innovative Matching." You should always tie in an errant article of clothing to the rest of the ensemble. If you are wearing socks and sandals, try wearing a light, Spring colored Winter coat for an even stronger effect. Wear Velcro shoes, a button up shirt, zippered jacket, and a magnetic clasped purse to complete the "Alternative Fastenings" ensemble. But don't worry if you can't pull off all these things. These are just ideas, people.
If you're really pushed for ideas, get creative. Wear a brand-themed outfit. "It matches because I bought everything at a thrift store" is a perfectly valid explanation. If you're especially pathetic, even "clothes that smell like my laundry detergent" will work. When in doubt, be innovative. After all, it's in the name.