Like most adults, I tie my shoes using the "Loop, Swoop, and Pull" method. This is how I learned to tie them, so this is how I have been doing it all my life. As most of us remember about the learning experience, there was an alternative method. Supposedly easier to learn, the "Bunny Ears" method was taught to some prior to "Loop, Swoop, and Pull." However, as time passes, Bunny Ears fades away with childhood.
It should be mentioned that this summer, I had the amazing epiphany that the
LSP and Bunny Ears methods are exactly the same, but that's beside the point. Think about it for a while, but then forget it for the sake of my argument.
Anyway, a fully formed adult will occasionally slip into society without making the transition from Bunny Ears to
LSP. This is a drastic step into adulthood missed completely by some. This is like never going through puberty, having adults never have to shave and sound like they're constantly on helium.
Growing out of Bunny Ears is a part of growing up. It is a highly traditional maturation rite. Granted, we all mature at different rates. Yet we choose how to tie our shoes and how to teach others how to tie theirs. Is it okay for our adult friends to still use Bunny Ears? Maybe. But they will have to face the conflict eventually. Bad habits are hard to break, but the important ones are necessary to conquer. We strive for a progressive future. This is no time to bring back the Dark Ages.