Every so often, I like to check who visits my blogs. I can usually put together the people I know with the IP location and so on. There's usually a few random ones I assume came from a mutual acquaintance, through a link, or randomly browsing blogs. Yet there is one visitor who never ceases to confuse me. I discovered this person by checking if anyone had linked
my other blog to their own. Among the ones I already knew about was this unusual gem:
http://l3m0nad3.blogspot.com/2005/11/this-blog-awesome.htmlWhile I would usually take this as a compliment, I am more simply confused. Someone thinks I use good phrases and words? Well, thank you. But I can think of much better writing found on the same page. Seriously, since when is "I showered" an example of a good phrase? I fall into a state of shock every time I think about this. It makes my head hurt.