Anyway, this is not the point. The article featured this still from the movie:

When I saw this picture, I was rather confused. As far as I could remember, the story was about a boy who moved to a new school and got involved in some sort of dare that required him to eat worms. The only inciting conflict I could remember was the new school issue. But by this picture, I was seriously wondering if it was about a clean cut Caucasian boy moving to an impoverished ghetto. Because out of all the background children, there are only two barely identifiable parts of white children you can see. Everyone else is of a much darker skin. Ah, fried worms. I get it.
After doing a little internet searching, I found the movie poster:

Incredibly, the racial ratio was back to the white, suburban standard: a majority of Caucasians and your token diversity character.
They kind of let me down. I was really wanting to see how the racial conflicts would come into play. Although, knowing our society, they would probably be about as relevant as a News Press article.