My brother decided to consult me about his Halloween costume. I think the conversation should be enough.
David: jeff
David: I'm going to be hitler for halloween
Jeff: you are amazing
Jeff: i love you oh so much
David: I'm not sure if I should wear the costume to school though
Jeff: where did this come from?
Jeff: definitely not to school
David: I just thought about it
Jeff: you wouldn't be wearing it long
David: I have a good image of the Nazi Eagle of the Third Reich that I can put on my chest
David: I'll wear my sport coat with a belt on the outside
David: and another belt strapped to that, slung over my shoulder
Jeff: you are completely terrible.
Jeff: the armband?
David: tied at the other end
David: I'm thinking about it
David: some people might mistake me for a neo nazi though
Jeff: that's always a problem.
David: I think the eagle should be enough
David: and I've grown my hair out a little bit longer
David: so I can get the good comb over
Jeff: how's the 'stache coming?
David: good
David: I'd need some mascara though
David: if I can't bring myself to shave it
Jeff: you will not bring yourself to shave it
David: ok
Jeff: that thing has been growing your whole life
David: I'll steal some freshman's mascara
Jeff: besides, nobody would be able to see it
David: the only thing I really need are some high top black boots
David: that would be much better than regular black shoes
Jeff: i'm sure you can borrow some from any of those conforming nonconformists
David: yes
Jeff: oh for fun.
David: that is the look I'm going for
Jeff: very respectable.
David: I need some binoculars as well
David: a few pictures that I've seen have him carrying binoculars with a neck strap
Jeff: i have a solid black tie you can use
David: in Santa Barbara?
Jeff: yeah
David: I have one but it is small and gross
David: cool
Jeff: it should be with the rest of my ties
Jeff: okay bye!