Give up? (Answers below!)

1. This one was kind of obvious. Classic Diet Coke, stacked on top of another, because there is apparently no more room on the desk.
2. A little trickier. This is actually just the very edge of a green glass, mysteriously missing from our kitchen for an ambiguous amount of time. Roommates speculate anywhere between a week and a month.
3. A little hard to distinguish as a separate Diet Coke can from 4, but when zoomed in, there is clearly a separate top.
4. See 3.
5. Perhaps the largest advertisement in the picture, in competition with the Wendy's cup (see 17) and the Mizuno shoebox.
6. Yet another Diet Coke can gasping for air.
7. Here is the base for 1. Apparently it wasn't worthy enough to be on top.
8. Another blatantly obvious grasp at film time by the Diet Coke industry.
9. Here is the base for 5.
10. Trying to hide behind a glass cup, this Diet Coke can failed miserably. Unless you didn't catch that one, in which case, it worked.
11. Probably the most camouflaged beverage container in the picture, this glass cup makes a stand.
12. I honestly don't know how this Pepsi can got in among the sea of Diet Cokes. Maybe it's lost.
13. Venturing out from the massive Diet Coke Shrine, these two set themselves apart.
14. Working alongside 13, this can tries to hide even more, using the speaker as a shield.
15. Perhaps you missed this one, as it was not on the same playing field as the other Diet Coke cans. Yet do not be fooled! This one is just as much considered garbage as the others.
16. Although filled with coins, this mug technically still counts as a beverage container and is still valid in the game.
17. Way down in the corner, our first of two disposable cups, this one from Wendy's.
18. Also a disposable cup, this one originated at In-N-Out.