I realized this when Kate, AJ's girlfriend, parked in the tandem space behind my car. This meant that if I needed to go anywhere, I would have to ask her to move it and create a minor inconvenience. This is how it's supposed to work, but AJ parks in another spot because nobody actually cares.
When I first saw the car parked behind me, I was really excited. I so badly wanted to have that car towed, I nearly called our apartment manager right then and there. However, I noticed the license plate frame had "Chico" on it, so I made the correct assumption it was one of my roommates' friends.
In order to get back at Kate, I decided to install the frame on her car. Not sure what to make it say, I consulted Joe. I admit, it was a wonderful idea.
Sunday afternoon, when they went to Sacramento in AJ's truck, I installed the frame on the back of her car.

While I was at school Monday, I got the following message on my phone from AJ:
Hey Jeff, you little sneak. You almost got away with your plan to have Kate be harassed her entire way home by honking drivers. But we caught it... in the parking lot, so your plan was foiled, just so you know. I hope you're devastated.Later on, he admitted that he was secretly sad they caught it. It would be great to see a girl completely confused as to why everyone was honking at her for the 2 hour drive to Chico.