Hi there, I found your blog while doing a google search rather dashing party, That's my tribe.net identity. I also have a blog Oh the humanity!This made me happy. Not just because he had plenty of nice things to say, but also because he complimented my sister. She appreciated that too.
I love your blog's template, it's absolutely fantastic, did you design it yourself? Your description of the ant lady is really good too, she comes alive as a person through your words.
I'd like to exchange blog links with you. I think we come from very different life perspectives but your blog is interesting, well written and well designed.
By the way, I think your sister looks nice in that picture.
NB I'm not trying to spam you, I know google takes no account of comment links, and I've nothing to sell - I'm just introducing myself and saying "hi."
If you'd like to exchange blog links then please use the email link on my profile or let me know via my blog, thanks.
Happy blogging.
My favorite part was that he explicitly stated "I'm not trying to spam you." I think every email, whether it is actually spam or not, should say "This is not spam" somewhere. This email is not spam because it openly proclaims not to be spam. For some reason, that reminded me of this. Ah, good times.