I've noticed recently that I cycle through certain words and expressions. Most recently, I've been using words that are not quite definite. "Quite," for example. Others include "nearly," "slightly," "rather," "awfully," and you get the idea. I'm thinking this might be hinting at certain aspects of my life, how I am never definite in my decisions.
Take me ordering food, for example.
If you honestly know me, there is no reason to further describe that.
But in pretty much everything I do, there is always hesitation. And after a choice has been made, regret. Do these actions cause such a word choice, or is it the other way around? Maybe I should be more definite in my statements. Just a thought to ponder.
I wonder what this says about my subconscious bringing back old high school phrases such as, "Ser, dawg," and "What the balls!"